‘Potere ai piccoli’ Palazzo Pirelli Milano

With LEGO everything is possible, just think that 6 classic bricks can be assembled together in 915 million different combinations.
Among the works on display, “Fly” is an invitation to courage, to take the flight towards one’s dreams. This creation is made with about 105,000 bricks and it took part at the 2017 Mosaic Biennale at the Art Museum of the city of Ravenna.
Another work called “Magic Bunny” stands out for its size and it was created in collaboration with the Italian designer Stefano Giovannoni and shown at the Triennale Design Museum.
“HOPE” represents the most precious of aspirations, innate in every child, and “Ask the stars” is a universe of dreams like stars, in which to immerse yourself and look for the most important. “Goat Different” is a polka dot goat that comes out of the box and lives on colors, chasing its dreams.
Behind the scene


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